By 3 years old, 50-85% of children have been diagnosed with at least one episode of AOM. It is the most frequent reason why children receive antibiotics. Take-home points Prevent ear infections by avoiding tobacco smoke, formula, and minimizing use of pacifiers Reduce risk of infection by providing breast milk, a nutrient-dense diet, plenty of […]
Simple Steps to Boost your Child’s Immunity
All kids are exposed to a ton of viruses from each other, especially when they first start day care or school. Why are some kids able to get through colds without severe symptoms while some go on to develop more serious or prolonged illnesses? How can we help our kids’ immune systems do their job […]
How to Help Your Child’s Constipation Naturally
“My 2-year-old has been so constipated that he hasn’t gone poo in over a week. It hurts him so much that he cries when he tries to go. I feel so bad. I don’t know what to do. His pediatrician gave me a prescription for Miralax, but after looking it up, I really don’t think […]